Group Training Class

private dog obedience lessons golden retriever leaned against trainer leg getting pet

We are super excited for you guys, and cannot wait to bring you in to have the best time with your pups!

Our Group Class is designed with those who have had some foundational training whether professional or not, but are looking for an experience in a group setting. This will include distraction work and public outings.

A few details you need to know:

· The first session of our series of 5 sessions, is a PRIVATE IN-HOME session. This will be where we teach you about our training tool the sidekick, show you how to use it, give you homework to practice with over the course of 2 weeks, and then the real fun begins.

· Your other 4 sessions can be completed at your convenience, but must be completed within a 3 month timeframe.

· Classes are offered every Saturday in different locations, so you will be added to our Facebook Alumni Group where we post Monthly schedules *subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances*

· Bring water for you and your pup to each session. We will have bowls.

· If your dog does not come wearing their training tool, you will not be allowed in until the dog is wearing proper tools. We want to initiate every session as calmly as possible, and the right training tool makes it easier, more consistent and fair to everyone involved.

Let’s have some fun!


· Necessary Training Tool Included

· Trainer text support during your sessions timeframe. Send pictures and videos or just chat with your trainer during you package timeframe.

· Eligible for in-home boarding with your trainer when you need someone to watch your pup. For only $50/night, we include fun, safe, stress free boarding in the home of your trainer with free UPKEEP of training (no new training will be taught unless purchasing working boarding). Availability is limited.

Schedule Your FREE Consult Today

You can schedule your call today simply by contacting us by filling out our contact form by clicking the button below.